Monday 8 October 2018


After many more hours and total confusion I have today uploaded The Dog-walking Club to be published as an ebook. It will be available to buy from Amazon in 72 hours I'm told. Then I'll discover all the mistakes in it.

I'm hoping Husband will read it for me soon. He's good at picking up errors. I began the Word grammar check but it can't cope with my style. No doubt it's excellent when writing official letters or documents but it doesn't like incomplete sentences or many of the little phrases I use. Even spellcheck isn't straight-forward as it queries things like nilly - as in willy nilly - or bye bye. So I'm relying heavily on my eagle eyes. They can spot a typo in a professionally published book with great ease but they're less reliable when familiar - as in read eight times at least - with a manuscript.

And here is the chosen cover.
Soon available at the bargain price of $2.99!

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