And distracted. Don't forget distracted. I follow one link that leads me to another and then another until I find myself reading not about how to build an online presence but about how to write an erotic novel. Or looking at photos of cute puppies. And even if I managed to stick to my focus I could still go from article to article most of which say the same thing.
I've more or less decided to stick to A Branch of Holly as my adviser/mentor/all round good person. I think I will be able to find everything I need to know on her site. And she replies to tweets and emails. And she very generously gives all her information away for free.
Today I listened to her podcast about How to Grow Your Blog Traffic Fast. One of her suggestions was about building community. So afterwards I tried googling for aspiring writers' blogs but that mostly led me to professional groups or writers and not really the sort of people I think would ... what's the word? ... fit with me and my style.
But later on Twitter I found a book-worm and by going through her list of Followers was able to find and follow several who sounded interesting. I've already been in conversation with one - admittedly about the disaster waiting to happen that is Brexit but first steps nevertheless. So maybe it's not so impossible.
I'll talk more about other points Holly raised in future posts but for now I'll just say, 'Is there anyone out there like me? I mean a middle-aged (that's being generous) granny coming late to the party but who is convinced she has things of interest to say?'
Are you aware of the Insecure Writer's Support Group? It is an active community of writers and has a wealth of practical info and advice on self-publishing, etc etc. Several bloggers who I follow are members. Here's the website:
They also have a presence on a bunch of other social media, as you'll see when you visit the website.
Fantastic, thank you, Debra. I'll follow that link. x