As I attempt to breathe fresh life into this blog I thought perhaps I'd explain what gives me the right to write about writing. I did cover this in the very second post on this blog back in 2013 and you'll find my first blog post - an explanation of the title of the blog - in the Featured Post on the right hand side of this page.
As I say in my original post I do have a Master's degree in Creative Writing - and as I also said, it's worth about as much as the paper on which it's written. Still if I could find it I'd show it to you but I can't so you'll have to make do with this evidence for my excellence as a writer, and my authority to write this blog.
At the time I was an eleven-year-old, just about to go up to grammar school, and Mr Guest, our lovely teacher, gave me this wonderful report. See? Writing A, Excellent.
If you look a little further down you'll see my science wasn't up to so much - which makes me wonder why, when it came to a choice, I took the scientific academic path that I scraped along.
My real talent obviously lay in the arts as was clear from my rapid progression from the first year in the Juniors when I'd only had a C for writing.
So I hope I have convinced you now of my ability and will visit regularly if only to hear tell of my latest rejection/failure/disaster.
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