Thursday, 14 March 2019

Writing? I remember that

I used to to do it.

It isn't really that long; it just feels like it. I've been blogging, which counts as writing, right? But actual manuscript writing/editing has somehow slipped in the busyness of life.

And my good intention for Lent - to give up solitaire and tweet regularly on a writerly basis - has gone by the board. (Interesting phrase that.) I haven't played solitaire but neither have I tweeted.

Pitch Wars
Just remembered that last week there was a pitch war. #PitchMad. For twenty-four hours writers were encouraged to tweet a pitch for their work. Agents and publishers apparently browse this enormous number of tweets and 'like' any that interest them, giving the writer the opportunity to submit knowing there is possibly interest.

I only found out about it as the last minute and I sent my page-long synopsis to Daughter, who is a copywriter and very good at her job, and asked her to put it in a tweet for me. She offered me a few options, I dabbled with one and pitched it.

I had one 'like'. Very excited I googled the publisher to find it was a brand-new company just setting up. From the description it didn't sound as if my manuscript would really be in their line, but, hey, she'd liked it so I submitted regardless.

While I was in the mood I also submitted to two other small publishers. I hadn't previously considered independent publishers but reading people's experiences on Twitter and FaceBook it seemed I was missing an option.

Some people say they would rather self-publish for the freedom it gives. I would like to be traditionally published mainly because it's someone else saying they believe in you. It's not just me thinking I'm great. Also, although I'm aware that authors have to do a lot of marketing and publicity themselves, with a publisher you do get a bit of backing and marketing.

I understand #PitchMad happens four times a year so I must try to be better prepared next time. Note to self: include it in an image next time to make it stand out from the rest.

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