Saturday, 20 July 2019

Huge thanks to ... everyone!

Well, the blog tour for The Dog-walking Club finished on Tuesday. I've been away since and haven't had a chance to round it all off nicely until today.

First of all, huge thanks to Rachel Gilbey of Rachel's Random Resources for organising the tour. When I decided I should be proactive in my marketing - for a change - and began investigating blog tours I considered doing it all myself. I am so glad I didn't! Apart from all the planning, contacting bloggers, arranging dates, producing promotion material, and basically doing a huge amount of work, Rachel also provided good advice and reassurance, especially at the last minute when I began to panic about possible reactions. So thank you, Rachel!

Next, big thanks to all 21 bloggers who took part in the tour. They don't have to do it, they don't get paid, and they sometimes seem to be victims of abuse. I have nothing but praise for all the book bloggers, who made the effort, who read and reviewed or featured me on their blogs, and who, I have to say, gave me some gorgeous reviews. So thank you all.

Now for the links and snippets of the reviews.
From Dash Fan Book Reviews
The Dog-walking Club is an Endearing, Feel Good, Light Hearted read that melted my heart, was highly relatable, Funny, fantastic quirky loveable characters of all ages and breeds and I found time whisked by as I became engrossed in the lives of The Dog-walking Club!

From Grace J Reviewerlady
This is a really lovely book; with a range of differing ages and personalities, the reader gets an insight into the life of each. This is one which will gladden your heart and make you so happy you picked it up. Definitely a feel-good read and one I enjoyed immensely. Four stars!

From Books Are Cool
This is a really delightful book: it’s uplifting, moving and friendly. That may sound an odd adjective to use but it is. It exudes such a sense of comradeship, loyalty and caring for others that it really warms the cockles of your heart! There’s humour, some suspense, things to think about and a wonderful story to enjoy within the pages.

From Sibzzreads
I love any book with dogs in it, but this one in particular is fabulous. Not only does it have lots of dogs, but the human characters are superb!

From Splashes into books
There are shocks, surprises, temptations, new starts, romance and more in this, making it a lovely story to escape into – I thoroughly enjoyed reading it!

From Carla Loves to Read
It was heartwarming and delightful to read about the support people get from their fur-babies, as well to see how friendships develop because of the love of dogs. I read this book in one day as I wanted to find out what would happen next, in fact, I wanted to grab a leash and a dog and join them.  I definitely recommend this heartfelt and inspirational book to anyone who loves a nice character driven story (human and canine), especially one about friendship, life’s struggles and moving on.

From Devilishly Delicious Book Reviews
This is one of my top 10 reads of 2019! There really is no huge overwhelming plot, yet it is full of such emotion, both sadness and joy. It is a beautiful testament to friendship and the relationships between humans and dogs. 

From Waggy Tales Blog
The book shows that small thoughtful gestures can mean the world to someone and that anything is possible. 

From Books, Life and Everything
For a life affirming, heartwarming story, you cannot go far. There are moments of humour amongst the sadder times and it is a well paced tale which leads you on. The author has a lot to say about friendship and companionship. Simple routines and being there are shown to have a profound effect on everyday lives.

From Lis Carey's Library
This isn't a story with a lot of plot or overtly exciting events. It's a story of people and dogs and friendship, and the big difference the most unlikely friendships and odd assortments of interests and skills and connections can make in people's lives.
I really thoroughly enjoyed this. Recommended.

From Jena Books
I highly recommend The Dog-Walking club. This book is a big hug of friendship and a cuddly dog by your side and I want you to love it as much as I did.

From Babydolls and Razorblades
The Dog Walking club was an absolute joy to read, definitely put a smile on my face.

From Just4MyBooks
A truly gentle read that drew me in completely; relating to and caring for these people and their dogs was easy. Now, don’t get me wrong, this story has so much more to offer than you might think.

Now can there be anyone who wouldn't want to read The Dog-walking Club after all those wonderful words?!

During the blog tour I also did two guest posts - for Being Anne and  Audio Killed the Bookmark, as well as interviews for Jane Hunt Writer, Jazzy Book Reviews, The Magic of Wor(l)ds, B for Book Review, and Celticlady's Reviews.

Once again a huge thank you to all involved. And here's to the next one ...

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