After a bad morning - unrelated to writing - I managed to write nearly 2,000 words on my WIP this afternoon.
Once again my characters start to tell their own story. Always lovely when that happens and I don't have to struggle to think of what happens next.
Having decided against doing NaNoWriMo I feel a bit up in the air about writing and where i'm at with it all.
I have self-published two books. I have re-issued the first one, This Time Next Year, with its amendments, but I still need to update the ebook version. I also still plan to serialise as a podcast.
I have amendments to make to the second one, The Dog-walking Club, in both paperback and ebook.
My third novel, completed, will sit on a shelf for another year or so. It is very different from the others.
My fourth novel, Tabitha's Table, needs beta readers. How do I go about getting them? Ask on Twitter and Facebook for volunteers maybe? Then it will need editing.
My fifth novel, my WIP, is a sequel to This Time Next Year. I am roughly halfway through it at 40,000 words.
Novel 6 in my head is very much alive and active, but in a state of constant flux. I don't have any notes written down anywhere for it. I should probably start to ground it and begin to fix on characters if I want to develop it at any time in the near future.
And as all wannabe writers know, it's all about your media presence these days. Trying to keep up with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest is beyond me, and, to be honest, I'm not entirely sure of the point.
It's no wonder I get confused.
In case you're interested you can find me on FaceBook @LizHinds99, on Twitter @Liz_Hinds99, on Instagram notanotherwannabewriter, and Pinterest Not Another Wannabe Writer.
You may have to try variations on these 'handles' as I don't know what I'm doing.
Just wanted you to know how much I enjoy your blogs! Best wishes on your third novel!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Kathy!