Sunday, 13 September 2020

I don't want to bore you but

 Things have come on apace.

I have booked a blog tour for This year ... maybe for the end of November. So ... I had better get myself together. 

I had two volunteer beta readers: one has commented and the other is still to do so. Not really enough but I am happy to work with that.

I don't know what I do wrong on Twitter but I very rarely get any Likes let alone responses to my posts. Actually I do know what I do wrong.

I am not consistent enough, don't comment on enough tweets, am not present enough. Just not enough. (The story of my life.) Need to interact more and network - that's the key word, isn't it?

But how do people manage to do that as well as write and simply live their lives?

I started following a, hm, what would you call her? Someone who advises clients on building up business especially via social media. I didn't even have time to do what she guaranteed would increase following ten-fold. Time? Inclination more like. Will, perseverance, determination. All those things I lack or fail at.

But this isn't about knocking myself down, rather an encouragement to throw myself into promotion over these next few months. 

Trouble is I don't want to get boring. I'm the same in real life conversations. I am so afraid that people will get bored with my story I rush through it often omitting crucial bits so it doesn't make sense and then wonder why they look bemused, and wander off. 

Other people care less and will continue talking long after my eyes have glazed over and I'm in completely another place. Maybe that's how I need to be.

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