Tuesday 9 June 2020

One week in

I've written every day but one but I've only had one really good writing day. I've managed to write 5,439 words, some of which I'm pleased with.

So all in all I think my report card would say, 'Elizabeth needs to apply herself. She is capable of better work.'

Part of the trouble is that I'm not sure where I'm going next. There is a wedding in the offing and I need to jump to it. I'll have to find an excuse for the heroine to not write in her diary for two weeks so we can scoot ahead to the action.

Yes, that's part of the trouble but another part is that I can't remember what's happened so far. Need to go back and read it. Actually need to write something about ... that as well. Yes, that'll have to happen next.

Okay, plot sorted. Nothing like a bit of last minute panic to help you focus.

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