Monday, 6 July 2020

Title and cover advice sought

I have finished the first rough edit. To give myself a break I'm now thinking about a) title, and b) cover.

Husband suggested What Aliss Did Next, which I am using as the working title but, on reflection, probably not the final.

Let me ask your advice. Here is the cover of the original:
I was thinking something similar for the sequel - to 'something' the brand i.e. make it identifiable. (Assuming anyone remembers the original, a rash assumption.) So maybe a diary page again but this time with a tube of sun cream in the corner: they're going to Ibiza for a hen week. Would that work? What do you think? Or maybe wedding rings? (I don't think it will come as any great surprise to anyone to discover Alison is getting married this time round. Or is she?)

If I used the sun cream I'd use a recognisable brand - carefully edited obviously - and pick up the colour in the type and side edge. I was also thinking of a donkey for reasons that would become clear to anyone reading the book but maybe not on sight. So scrap donkey.

Thinking about it I'm coming down in favour of wedding rings. 

Any thoughts?

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