Monday, 13 January 2020

Planner or pantser?

I have been reading through what I've written so far of the sequel to my first novel, This Time Next Year, and I am pleasantly surprised. 

This is most unlike me. No doubt I'll soon be back to my normal 'this is rubbish' mood but for now I will revel in the moment.

It's also reminded me of what needs follow-through. I think I might draw up a plan - again something I never do - to schedule what's going to happen when. It does go against my instinct but it might prove useful.

Do you plan the whole book before you start? Or wait and see what happens?

1 comment:

  1. I think I'm a combo plotter/pantster. I try to do an outline and can only get so far, so I start writing. I usually get stuck in a few places and have to set aside my draft for a day or two until something occurs to me.
